This fall migration, be a good bird neighbor

They’re coming this way… migrating birds, that is!

Fall migration is in full swing in many parts of the United States. Here in North Carolina, we’re already starting to see migratory birds flying through as they head to their winter destinations. Be a good bird neighbor this fall by following these 3 tips:

#1: Lights out for migration

Did you know many songbirds migrate at night? These travelers use the stars to keep themselves on course. Light pollution from towns and cities can disorient them and even lead to fatal collisions with buildings.

Luckily, you can help! Participate in Audubon’s #LightsOut initiative by keeping your curtains/blinds closed at night and turning off unnecessary lights (especially upward-facing outdoor lights) at your home and office from September 10-November 30.


#2: Window decals prevent collisions

Windows make great bird-watching spots, but they can be deadly for birds. More than 100 million birds die each year after flying into glass, which they have difficulty seeing. Help keep them safe by sticking decals on your windows, no more than 2-4 inches apart. (Great excuse to put up some early holiday decorations!) You can also buy or make decals, films, tapes, and UV stickers specifically designed to deter birds.

Hate washing your windows? Good news: Dirty windows will do the trick, too!


#3: Learn about bird migration in your area

Fall and spring migrations are a great excuse to get into birding – and a great opportunity to see rare birds! Now through November 15th, use Cornell Lab of Ornithology’s BirdCast to see which birds are migrating through your area right now. Then break out your binoculars and head to your favorite outdoor spot to meet your town’s avian visitors!

Many local Audubon Societies and birding clubs will hold special field trips and meetups during migration season. This month in North Carolina, Audubon Society chapters are holding outdoor “watch parties” to view migrating chimney swifts’ incredible aerial displays. Here in Durham, you can join New Hope Audubon next Tuesday, Sept. 20th from 7-8:30 PM at the Durham Hotel to watch these incredible birds. View other “Swift Nights Out” across North Carolina here!


So turn out those lights, make those windows visible, and welcome our far-flung feathered friends this fall!