In Memory: Scout the Eastern Gray Squirrel — Piedmont Wildlife Center

In Memory: Scout the Eastern Gray Squirrel

Scout, an eastern gray squirrel, lays sleeping in the grass with his eyes closed. He is wearing a yellow harness attached to a leash.

It is with a heavy heart that we announce that Scout, the eastern gray squirrel, unexpectedly passed away this Sunday, June 12th. He had only been with PWC since May 2021, but he quickly earned a special place in our hearts with his silly antics, boundless energy, and unending love of snacks.

In early 2021, Scout’s rescuer found him acting abnormally at the base of a tree. Scout was brought to Our Wild Neighbors, where it was discovered he was blind. Blindness in squirrels is often caused by head trauma due to falling from trees during severe weather conditions. He would not have survived in the wild, so he was brought to PWC to educate people about the important role squirrels play in nature.

Despite his blindness and other neurological abnormalities, Scout led an exciting life at PWC. His enclosure was filled with hammocks, sticks, and platforms to explore, and he enjoyed regular walks to soak up the sunshine. He never failed to make visitors and staff smile, whether at a birthday program, a classroom presentation, or a visit with kids at our camps. He even had the honor of having a special coffee blend at Gray Squirrel Coffee Co. named after him!

While we wish he could have spent more time with us, we understand that many of the animals in our care are with us because they have permanent injuries. It is our job to ensure that whatever amount of time they have with us is full of love, care, and purpose. We’re so grateful to have had the opportunity to care for Scout and share him with the world.

If you had the pleasure of meeting Scout over the last year, we would love it if you could share any memories or photos with us. We hope our favorite squirrel brought as much joy to you as he did to us.

Special thanks to Scout’s sponsors: Raffaela A, XJ, Jeff and Jessica H, and The Squirrel Whisperers.

If you would like to make a gift in Scout’s memory, please visit our donation page.
