You helped us raise $4,014 this July Bonus Day!

Here at Piedmont Wildlife Center, we begin every meeting by reflecting on what we're grateful for. Today, we all have one thing on our mind: YOU!

On July 20th, July Bonus Day, 20 people who answered the call to support conservation, environmental education, and nature connection. We'd hoped to raise $3,000 this July Bonus Day - but because of your generosity, we received a whopping $4,014!

Here's how these funds will help further our mission:

  • $2,720 will expand our on-site box turtle research and Turtle Trekkers citizen science project by purchasing new radio telemetry receivers, printing bookmarks and other educational materials, and defraying the cost of sending our staff to the next Box Turtle Connection conference

  • $390 will purchase a year's worth of heat lamp bulbs for all our reptiles, cover routine veterinary exams for 3 Ambassador Animals, feed Apollo the barred owl for 2 months, and buy 2 containers of superworms for our resident box turtles

  • $280 will cover an average summer camp scholarship of $235 for 1 camper and restock 2 first aid kits

  • $260 will cover a $230 afterschool scholarship to help 1 student attend our program this fall and purchase 1 case of IvyX poison ivy wipes

  • $260 will provide a free wildlife program to 1 classroom at a Title 1 school and feed our box turtles for 1 month

  • $104 in donations to our general operating fund will give us the flexibility to respond to unexpected situations as our programs continue to grow!

We could not have done this without you. Thank you, thank you, thank you for your support of Piedmont Wildlife Center!

July Bonus Day may be over, but you can still support us on GlobalGiving. Check out our projects below to see all the ways you can connect people with nature in the Triangle and beyond: