Teen Camps & Adventures 2025
Quick Navigate: Teen Outdoor Leadership, Advanced Skills Camps, Overnight Adventures
June 16-20: Durham Teen Outdoor Leadership A (*4 day week, Ages 13-17)
June 23-27: Orange Teen Outdoor Leadership B (Ages 13-17)
June 30-July3: Wake Teen Outdoor Leadership C (*4 day week, Ages 13-17)
July 7-11: Durham Teen Outdoor Leadership D (Ages 13-17), and Otter 1 Backpacking (Ages 11-14)
July 14-18: Otter 2 Backpacking (Ages 14-16)
July 21-25: Deer Backpacking (Ages 14-17)
July 28-Aug 1: Bear Backpacking (Ages 15-17)
Aug 4-8: Teen Hike & Explore (Ages 13-17)
Aug 11-15: Teen Advanced Survival (Ages 13-17)
tEEN OUtdoor leadership
You stand on the threshold between being a camper and being a counselor. You have the power to shape your own adventure and guide those who are taking their first steps into nature. Hone your outdoor skills and learn to become a community leader!
All teens must attend this program before being a Counselor in Training (CIT). Participants need to attend the TOL program and then be approved by our staff to graduate on to CIT Level 1. Most of our participants do graduate but we want to make sure each person is ready to be a CIT.
Teen Outdoor Leadership is only offered during the summer season.
Teen Outdoor Leadership for Summer 2025
Ages: 13-17
Price: $390
June 16-20: Teen Outdoor Leadership A (Durham County Location) *4-day week
June 23-27: Teen Outdoor Leadership B (Orange County Location)
June 30- July 3: Wake Teen Outdoor Leadership C (Wake County Location) *4-day week
July 7-11: Teen Outdoor Leadership D (Durham County Location)
teen Advanced survival
Rain patters in the canopy above as the sun starts the set. Your stomach grumbles as you look down at your pile of kindling. You have already built your shelter, but can you start a fire? This camp is for motivated teens ready to take the next step in survival skills. Find food and water. Start a fire without matches. Navigate without a map. Learn how to hew wood, work stone, lash rope and harness your own strength. Hone the skills that allow you to be truly close to nature. Go beyond the edge for a lifetime of wilderness connection!
Location: Leigh Farm Park
Date: Aug 11-15
Ages: 13 - 17
Price: $390
Umstead State Park is massive! Explore the park like never before in this brand new teen camp! This camp can be summarized in two words: discovery and community. Campers will hike a different trail each day and uncover the magic of the park. Can you find a new camp location? How many snakes can you spot in one day? How far can you follow the same creek? Work together to complete challenges and build advanced outdoor skills. Unwind each day with some classic PWC games, stories, and nature activities.
Location: Umstead State Park
Date: August 4-8
Ages: 13 - 17
Price: $390
Teen hike & explore
This backpacking trip is designed for teens 14 to 17 years of age that have attended our Otter backpacking trip or with mid-level experience. Deer trips bridge the gap between our introductory and advanced trips. Teens have the opportunity to hone backpacking abilities as they learn from instructions and share their skills with peers, all while deepening personal connection with nature in the beautiful Appalachian mountains.
Dates: July 21-25
Price: $600
Ages: 14 - 17
Location: Roan Mountain Highlands, TN
Mileage: 7 - 12 Miles
Orientation Date: TBD
bear trip
This is an advanced-level backpacking trip designed for older teens with backpacking experience. the hiking is strenuous with elevation and 4 to 6 miles a day. A central part of this experience is that we will work on building a community in which we can share stories and deep nature connections. There will be an option to do a solo overnight.
Dates: July 28-Aug 1
Price: $720
Ages: 15 - 17
Location: Roan Mountains Highlands, TN
Mileage: 16 - 19 Miles
Orientation Date: TBD
Join us for an exciting week-long introductory adventure of wilderness living! As we travel down the beautiful trails of Wilson Creek Wilderness Area, we will explore the rock outcroppings and trout-filled mountain streams. Campers will increase their wilderness knowledge, and develop confidence and new friendships.
Dates: July 7-11
Price: $600
Ages: 11 - 14
Location: Wilson Creek, NC
Mileage: 4 - 5 Miles
Orientation Date: TBD
otter i trip
otter ii trip
This is an introduction to backpacking for older teens who want to improve their wilderness skills as they gain more backpacking experience. This can be a perfect next step for those who have participated in our original Otter trip or those who want to hike a couple more miles for the week.
Dates: July 14-18
Price: $600
Ages: 14 - 16
Location: Wilson Creek, NC
Mileage: 6 - 7 Miles
Orientation Date: TBD